1 Shared firm resources. Subject to Neuberger Berman’s policies and procedures, including certain information barriers within Neuberger Berman that are designed to prevent the misuse by Neuberger and its personnel of material information regarding issuers of securities that has not been publicly disseminated.
2 The Fund invests primarily in an actively managed portfolio of private equity investments but also invests a portion of its assets in a portfolio of cash and cash equivalents and liquid fixed-income securities.
3 Based on fair value. Allocations across all categories are subject to change at the discretion of the investment team based on its evaluation of market conditions or available investment opportunities. Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding.
4 Subject to applicable laws and regulations in each relevant jurisdiction, as disclosed in the Fund’s subscription agreement.
5 As of December 31, 2024. Please note beginning December 31, 2023, NB Private Markets revised the Aggregate Committed Capital calculation methodology. As of December 31, 2023 and going forward, Aggregate Committed Capital represents total commitments to active vehicles (including commitments in the process of documentation or finalization) managed by NB Private Markets. Prior to December 31, 2023, Aggregate Committed Capital reflected total committed capital since inception in 1987, including liquidated vehicles. Using the previous methodology, NB Private Markets Aggregate Committed Capital was $128 billion as of March 31, 2024, broken down as follows: Primaries, $43 bn; Co-Investments, $37 bn; Secondaries, $20 bn; Private Debt, $16 bn; Capital Solutions, $6 bn; and Direct Specialty Strategies, $5 bn.
6 Important Information about PRI Grades: For illustrative and discussion purposes only. PRI grades are based on information reported directly by PRI signatories, of which investment managers totaled 2,651 for 2024, 3,123 for 2023, 2,791 for 2021, 1,545 for 2020 and 1,247 for 2019. All PRI signatories are eligible to participate and must complete a questionnaire to be included. The underlying information submitted by signatories is not audited by the PRI or any other party acting on its behalf. Signatories report on their responsible investment activities by responding to asset-specific modules in the Reporting Framework. Each module houses a variety of indicators that address specific topics of responsible investment. Signatories’ answers are then assessed and results are compiled into an Assessment Report. Neuberger Berman did not pay a fee to participate and awards and ratings referenced do not reflect the experiences of any Neuberger Berman client and readers should not view such information as representative of any particular client’s experience or assume that they will have a similar investment experience as any previous or existing client. Awards and ratings are not indicative of the past or future performance of any Neuberger Berman product or service. Moreover, the underlying information has not been audited by the PRI or any other party acting on its behalf. While every effort has been made to produce a fair representation of performance, no representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy of the information presented, and no responsibility or liability can be accepted for damage caused by use of or reliance on the information contained within this report. Information about PRI grades is sourced entirely from PRI and Neuberger Berman makes no representations, warranties or opinions based on that information. The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment works to understand the investment implications of environmental, social and governance factors and to support its international network of investor signatories in integrating these factors into their investment and ownership decisions. For more information, please see www.unpri.org.
7 Average annual retention from 2019 through June 30, 2024 of Senior Investment Professionals (Managing Directors and Principals) within NB Private Markets. Computed as # of departures (excluding retirements and individuals who have transferred to other roles in the firm) over total # of Private Investment Portfolios and Co-investment MDs and Principals.
8 Represents Senior Investment Professionals (Senior Advisors, Managing Directors and Principals) within NB Private Markets, as of June 30, 2024.
8 Represents Senior Investment Professionals (Senior Advisors, Managing Directors and Principals) within NB Private Markets, as of March 31, 2024.
9 On April 29, 2024, the management team of NB Renaissance Partners (“Renaissance”) entered into an agreement with Neuberger Berman Group LLC (“NB”) to transition from a minority to a majority owner in Renaissance, with NB becoming a minority shareholder. The transaction is expected to close by the end of the year subject to legal and regulatory approvals.
10 Represents active portfolio companies for PIPCO and Secondaries through September 30, 2024.
11 As of September 30, 2024.
12Includes Limited Partner Advisory Committee seats and observer seats for PIPCO and Secondaries since inception as of September 30, 2024.
The Fund does not seek to qualify for the purposes of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (the “SFDR”) as a financial product that promotes environmental or social characteristics or one that has Sustainable Investment as its investment objective.
This document is addressed to professional clients/qualified investors only.
European Economic Area (EEA): This is a marketing communication and is issued by Neuberger Berman Asset Management Ireland Limited, which is regulated by the Central Bank Ireland and is registered in Ireland, at 2 Central Plaza, Dame Street, Dublin, D02 T0X4.
United Kingdom and outside the EEA: This is a financial promotion and is issued by Neuberger Berman Europe Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered in England and Wales, at The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6SQ.
Notice to investors in Switzerland: This is an advertising document. NB Alternative Funds SICAV S.A. (the “Fund”) may only be offered in Switzerland to qualified investors ("Qualified Investors"), as defined in the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act of 23 June 2006, as amended ("CISA") and its implementing ordinance. The Fund is domiciled in Luxembourg. The Swiss representative is Zeidler Regulatory Services (Switzerland) AG, Neustadtgasse 1a, CH-8400 Winterthur and the Swiss paying agent is Helvetische Bank AG, Seefeldstrasse 215, CH-8008 Zurich. The Fund’s prospectus/private placement memorandum, constitutional documents, the annual reports and, where produced by the Fund, the semi-annual reports may be obtained free of charge from the Swiss Representative. In respect of the interests/shares offered in Switzerland to Qualified Investors, the place of performance is at the registered office of the Swiss Representative. The place of jurisdiction is at the registered office of the Swiss Representative or at the registered office or place of residence of the investor. No representative nor paying agent has been appointed for any other fund mentioned in this document.
Germany: The fund may in particular not be distributed or marketed in any way to German retail investors if the fund is not admitted for distribution to this investor category by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht).
NB Global Private Equity Access Fund is a sub-fund of NB Alternative Funds SICAV S.A., a regulated investment vehicle subject to the prudential supervision of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, the Luxembourg supervisory authority of the financial sector ("CSSF").
Neuberger Berman AIFM S.à r.l. may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of its funds in all or a particular country.
This is not an offer or solicitation to invest in any product. An offering of interests in the Fund will only be made pursuant to the Prospectus, Supplement and Key Information Document, which are available on request from Neuberger Berman or the Fund’s distributors (as applicable). The KID is available on the website at: https://www.nb.com/sicav-legal-documents. The Prospectus, Supplement and Key Information Document contain detailed information about the investment objective, risk profile, frequency and the timing of distributions of proceeds, terms and conditions of an investment and risk warnings, which any investor should review carefully before deciding whether to invest.
This document is presented solely for information purposes and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security. By accepting delivery of this presentation, you agree that you will keep confidential all information contained within it, and will not disclose or reproduce any such information to any person without the prior consent of Neuberger Berman. We do not represent that this information, including any third party information, is complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Any views or opinions expressed may not reflect those of the firm as a whole. All information is current as of the date of this material or as otherwise specified herein, and is subject to change without notice.
No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment or strategy is suitable for a particular investor. Each recipient of this document should make such investigations as it deems necessary to arrive at an independent evaluation of any investment, and should consult its own legal counsel and financial, actuarial, accounting, regulatory and tax advisers to evaluate any such investment.
The fund described in this document may only be offered for sale or sold in jurisdictions in which or to persons to which such an offer or sale is permitted. The fund can only be promoted if such promotion is made in compliance with the applicable jurisdictional rules and regulations. This document and the information contained therein may not be distributed in the US.
This document contains information about the performance of investments previously made by funds advised or managed by Neuberger Berman. This information has not been audited or verified by an independent party. There can be no assurance that unrealised investments will be realised at the valuations shown.
An investment in this product involves risks, with the potential for above-average risk, and is only suitable for people who are in a position to take such risks.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results. The value of investments may go down as well as up and investors may not get back any of the amount invested. The performance data does not take account of the commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of shares.
The value of investments designated in another currency may rise and fall due to exchange rate fluctuations in respect of the relevant currencies. Adverse movements in currency exchange rates can result in a decrease in return and a loss of capital.
Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change; investors are therefore recommended to seek independent tax advice. Investment in the fund should not constitute a substantial proportion of an investor's portfolio and may not be appropriate for all investors. Diversification and asset class allocation do not guarantee profit or protect against loss.
The "Neuberger Berman" name and logo are registered service marks of Neuberger Berman Group LLC.