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Who We Are

An overview of our firm's history, capabilities and culture.

Ways to Invest

Discover Our Fund Range
Neuberger Berman’s range of fund types includes UCITS, QIAIFs and private funds, among others. They span asset classes, investment styles and geographies, offering investors a broad range of options to suit their investment objectives.

Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) issue new shares based on investor demand. Neuberger Berman’s UCITS are priced daily, and subscribed for and redeemed based on their net asset value (NAV).


Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Funds (QIAIFs) have fewer restrictions with respect to eligible assets, diversification, borrowing and leverage, making them more flexible than UCITS and the preferred structure for alternative strategies. QIAIFs require investors to meet minimum subscription and eligibility requirements, and are generally only available to institutional or professional investors.


Individually managed portfolios for larger institutional clients in their own custodial account. Unlike commingled funds, investors directly own the underlying securities in their portfolios. Key benefits include the ability to customize portfolios for purposes such as ESG screens and tax management